Shelyak ESHEL II Spectroscope (PF0011) Sale

Shelyak ESHEL II Spectroscope
eShel II is the core piece of your echelle spectroscopy solution for your astronomical projects. Fitted with a second generation collimator, it takes your spectra to the Hδ line !
Spectral domain extended from 30 to 55 against 32 to 52 previously.
Resolution higher than 10 000 for orders 33 to 53
A fiber spectroscope
It is based on our strong experience in spectroscopy (with design and manufacturing of the Lhires III and Lhires Lite) and nights of observations including with MuSiCoS & Narval spectroscopes. This practical experience helped us to design a robust and productive solution in the field.
We designed the spectroscope with Christian Buil, a higly recognized optician expert. The software module has been written by Michel Pujol, an expert in Tcl Tk and AudeLA platform. They both complement our expertise to bring you the best solution in echelle spectroscopy for astronomy !
Choice of optical fibre has been made to increase radial velocities measurement accuracy and for a better confort in using the eShel.
The Echelle spectroscopy
This technique makes it possible to reach high spectral resolutions because it uses the diffraction orders > 20 of a grating. The spectrum obtained passes through a cross disperser that “cuts” the spectrum in several successive orders by occupying the entire surface of the sensor of the camera. This gives the entire spectral in visible range on about twenty order (in the case of eShel).
Schematic diagram of an Echelle spectrograph (© Christian Buil)
The Echelle spectroscope

The main module that generates the Echelle spectrum. It covers the spectral range from about 450 to 700 nm with a resolution > 10000 (with an ATIK 460 Ex camera in 2×2 binning not included). It has a fiber input on FC PC connector to fix the 50 μm object fiber.
Delta Sco spectrum (Be star). Note the H-alpha line in emission (click on the image to enlarge)
Canon 40D, 9 x 300 s, 8′ SCT télescope (C.Buil)
The eShel software
Easy to use, it is based on the AudeLA software ‘opensource’, written in Tcl Tk, works under MS Windows (several languages available), it allows during the acquisitions of spectra, to remotely control the various units (injection unit and calibration unit).
Spectrum reduction can be started right after the acquisition by generating a multi-HDU fits file. An export of the individual orders or the combined spectrum (all orders merged) can also be realized.
Example of calibrated spectrum of Beta Persei, between H-beta and H-alpha (click on the image to enlarge)
Example of raw spectra

Beta Lyr – Shelyak [:-)] & P Cygni – 7 x 300 s 8′ SCT
Example of animation of a pulsating star
Here is also a good exemple of echelle spectroscopy with an animation of raw images of BW Vul, a pulsating star. 5min expoures, 60cm f 3.5 telescope at pic du Midi; QSI 516s camera.
Here is a spectrogram of BW Vul around Sodium doublet :
Applications :
- High resolution spectrograph of variable stars
- Time series of pulsating stars (RR Lyr)
- Radial velocities
- High Resolution Solar Spectrum
- Be star tracking
- Planetary nebulae
- Spectral classification of stars
- Asteroid classification
- Lunar geology
- Planets composition
- Abundance measure
- novae
- RR Lyrae
- Herbig Ae Be
- T Tauri
- Wolf Rayet
External links
- eShel review by Christian Buil : http: buil eshel3 review.htm
- Exoplanets measurements : http: buil extrasolar obs.htm
- Tau Boo measurements (& method) : http: buil tauboo exoplanet.htm
- Epsilon Aurigae followup during eclipse : http: buil star epsaur epsaur.htm
- Several stars: http: buil star index.htm
- RR Lyrae study by Christian Buil with an early eShel prototype : http: buil rrlyr obs.htm
- Nova KT Eri (2009) : http: buil nova_eri2009 obs.htm
- Illustration of a typical observing night : https: dossier.php?id_dossier=71&lang=2
- eShel on a Meade 16″ equipment overview : http: archives 2012 09 09 25067889.html
Technical Specifications
- Resolution > 10 000
- F 5
- FC connector for 50µm fiber
- Acquisition 85mm f 1.8 lens, back focus 40 mm max
In the Box
- The fiber injection and guiding unit
- The calibration unit
- The Echelle spectroscope
- The eShel software
You have to add to the set up, an optical fiber object of 50 µm, an optical fiber calibration of 200 µm, an autoguiding camera and a main camera for spectra
Manual & Warranty
- User guide
- Set up guide
- ISIS tutorial: http: buil isis eshel tuto1.htm
Check latest beta version of AudeLA software which now inlcudes eShel module in standard :
http: projects audela files audela current-development
Check also vcredist_x86 Microsoft program that you may need to install fo AudeLA to run properly.
Shelyak 1-Year Warranty
Additional Information
Default Title
The Echelle spectroscope
The main module that generates the Echelle spectrum. It covers the spectral range from about 450 to 700 nm with a resolution > 10000 (with an ATIK 460 Ex camera in 2×2 binning not included). It has a fiber input on FC PC connector to fix the 50 μm object fiber.
Delta Sco spectrum (Be star). Note the H-alpha line in emission (click on the image to enlarge)
Canon 40D, 9 x 300 s, 8′ SCT télescope (C.Buil)
The eShel software
Easy to use, it is based on the AudeLA software ‘opensource’, written in Tcl Tk, works under MS Windows (several languages available), it allows during the acquisitions of spectra, to remotely control the various units (injection unit and calibration unit).
Spectrum reduction can be started right after the acquisition by generating a multi-HDU fits file. An export of the individual orders or the combined spectrum (all orders merged) can also be realized.
Example of calibrated spectrum of Beta Persei, between H-beta and H-alpha (click on the image to enlarge)
Example of raw spectra
Beta Lyr – Shelyak [:-)] & P Cygni – 7 x 300 s 8′ SCT
Example of animation of a pulsating star
Here is also a good exemple of echelle spectroscopy with an animation of raw images of BW Vul, a pulsating star. 5min expoures, 60cm f 3.5 telescope at pic du Midi; QSI 516s camera.
Here is a spectrogram of BW Vul around Sodium doublet :
Applications :
- High resolution spectrograph of variable stars
- Time series of pulsating stars (RR Lyr)
- Radial velocities
- High Resolution Solar Spectrum
- Be star tracking
- Planetary nebulae
- Spectral classification of stars
- Asteroid classification
- Lunar geology
- Planets composition
- Abundance measure
- novae
- RR Lyrae
- Herbig Ae Be
- T Tauri
- Wolf Rayet
External links
- eShel review by Christian Buil : http: buil eshel3 review.htm
- Exoplanets measurements : http: buil extrasolar obs.htm
- Tau Boo measurements (& method) : http: buil tauboo exoplanet.htm
- Epsilon Aurigae followup during eclipse : http: buil star epsaur epsaur.htm
- Several stars: http: buil star index.htm
- RR Lyrae study by Christian Buil with an early eShel prototype : http: buil rrlyr obs.htm
- Nova KT Eri (2009) : http: buil nova_eri2009 obs.htm
- Illustration of a typical observing night : https: dossier.php?id_dossier=71&lang=2
- eShel on a Meade 16″ equipment overview : http: archives 2012 09 09 25067889.html
Technical Specifications
- Resolution > 10 000
- F 5
- FC connector for 50µm fiber
- Acquisition 85mm f 1.8 lens, back focus 40 mm max
In the Box
- The fiber injection and guiding unit
- The calibration unit
- The Echelle spectroscope
- The eShel software
You have to add to the set up, an optical fiber object of 50 µm, an optical fiber calibration of 200 µm, an autoguiding camera and a main camera for spectra
Manual & Warranty
- User guide
- Set up guide
- ISIS tutorial: http: buil isis eshel tuto1.htm
Check latest beta version of AudeLA software which now inlcudes eShel module in standard :
http: projects audela files audela current-development
Check also vcredist_x86 Microsoft program that you may need to install fo AudeLA to run properly.
Shelyak 1-Year Warranty
- High resolution spectrograph of variable stars
- Time series of pulsating stars (RR Lyr)
- Radial velocities
- High Resolution Solar Spectrum
- Be star tracking
- Planetary nebulae
- Spectral classification of stars
- Asteroid classification
- Lunar geology
- Planets composition
- Abundance measure
- novae
- RR Lyrae
- Herbig Ae Be
- T Tauri
- Wolf Rayet
- eShel review by Christian Buil : http: buil eshel3 review.htm
- Exoplanets measurements : http: buil extrasolar obs.htm
- Tau Boo measurements (& method) : http: buil tauboo exoplanet.htm
- Epsilon Aurigae followup during eclipse : http: buil star epsaur epsaur.htm
- Several stars: http: buil star index.htm
- RR Lyrae study by Christian Buil with an early eShel prototype : http: buil rrlyr obs.htm
- Nova KT Eri (2009) : http: buil nova_eri2009 obs.htm
- Illustration of a typical observing night : https: dossier.php?id_dossier=71&lang=2
- eShel on a Meade 16″ equipment overview : http: archives 2012 09 09 25067889.html
- Resolution > 10 000
- F 5
- FC connector for 50µm fiber
- Acquisition 85mm f 1.8 lens, back focus 40 mm max
- The fiber injection and guiding unit
- The calibration unit
- The Echelle spectroscope
- The eShel software
- User guide
- Set up guide
- ISIS tutorial: http: buil isis eshel tuto1.htm
Check latest beta version of AudeLA software which now inlcudes eShel module in standard :
http: projects audela files audela current-development
Check also vcredist_x86 Microsoft program that you may need to install fo AudeLA to run properly.
Shelyak 1-Year Warranty
You have to add to the set up, an optical fiber object of 50 µm, an optical fiber calibration of 200 µm, an autoguiding camera and a main camera for spectra
Manual & Warranty
- User guide
In the Box
Technical Specifications
External links
Additional Information
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